Wednesday, 21 May 2008

I finally admitted it

Bow Fell over Angle Tarn, Cumbria, April 2008

As I was setting up the above shot, a couple came past me on the trail. She noticed the DSLR coming out of the bag and commented that at least she wasn't the only one carrying a large camera. I pointed out that was the small camera and then proceeded to unpack the tripod and 4x5.

At this, she asked, "are you a photographer?" "Yes," came the immediate reply. So there, I've finally admitted to begin a photographer, not just a guy with a camera. Problem is, I then messed up my exposure calcs and grossly under-exposed the film. Some photographer! Hopefully I can retrieve something as it's not totally black.

Interesting side note related to the image - when I'm shooting large format, the DSLR has become my polaroid and exposure meter all in one. I use it for test shots, checking if I need filters and exposure evaluation.

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