Saturday, 6 October 2007

The feedback on Lightzone 3.1

Bridge over Le Sereine, France, June 2007
Here, I was playing around with softening effects on an otherwise dull image. I'm looking for ways to add particular feelings to photos.

Colin Jago, of auspiciousdragon, posted the following comment on my thoughts on Lightzone 3.1:
"I'm still using Lightzone 2.3 (I hit a bug in 2.4 and trashed the installation). It has always frustrated me. It has loads of potential but the guiding hand behind the product seems out of touch."
I must say, I sympathise. I've found more than 1 bug in 2.4 but felt the tool improvements were worth living with them - just.

From my original observations I contacted Lightcrafts about the new lzn.jpg files. What I wanted to know was whether there was a way of editing the info in them as per the XML .lzn files of old. (When the jpg sidecar is opened in a text editor all the old XML data is visible, just not editable.)
Their response: "sorry, you can't create lzn files from 3.1" - an answer to a question never posed.
I replied as much and asked if there were plans to return the lzn files - that was a week ago, no response since.

Not only are the development team wandering in the wilderness, the support team has upped and joined them.

When I first signed up the LZ, response was quick and effective. Just like the product, I want the old stuff back, please.


  1. Why don't You post Your questions on the Lightcrafts/LightZone forum?
    Higly technical questions are discussed there, with input from Lightcrafts staff.
    Give it a try!

  2. hendrik, I've spent qutie a bit of time lurking the forums (fora?) there, these are my observations:
    1. The traffic is pretty low, so number of decent answers is low
    2. most of the points Iwant to raise have been so, and not really answered well(if at all).
    3. They are dominated by a limited number of largely evangelical supporters which isn't helpful

    There are a load of programming level questions that I'd like to see answered but noones been forthcoming so far. I've even offered to help them out in the past with testing: it's a major part of my professional work, and I'm used to breaking things down to the technical & repeatable - no joy there, either.


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