Friday, 18 April 2008

SoFoBoMo: day the first (redux)

SoFoBoMo first image, April 2008

Thanks to Blogger losing it's upload capability earlier, this is the image that should have gone with the last post.


  1. That's a neat project idea. I like it a lot.

    I've often pondered how to make visually interesting pictures of residential type areas without getting sarcastic and all Martin Parr like. This could be one way. I'm looking forward to seeing the results.

  2. Thanks or the positive comment. After yesterday's early gloom, I could do with the boost.

    I thought you didn't like diptychs as a rule?

  3. I thought you didn't like diptychs as a rule?

    I'll let you know at the end of the project :-)

    You are right, I don't usually like diptychs, but along with being an interesting project this is also an interesting use of the multi-photo-in-one-frame idea. Using a wide view and a tele view seems to create something which is both documentary and artistic. I can see the potential for these to be both illustrations and aesthetically attractive.


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