Thursday 27 November 2008

Experiments in the woods

Scheveningse Bos, The Hague, November 2008

Just one I took a couple of weeks ago in the local woods, playing around with macro-ish shots. It makes a very nice 8x10" print.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I see you've written about lots of interesting stuff that I will doubtless pore over in an idle moment. One of the funny things I've noticed is that I sometimes stumble upon people who have very similar equipment choices. You're one of them. (Would you believe I have a black Hadley?)

    I guess you must be in the Hague working for the large red and yellow Anglo Dutch company? I have a friend who works in upstream legal there, also a keen outdoorsperson: his surname is Damis. Ring a bell?


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