Saturday 15 November 2008

The photographic time machine

Perimeter path, Kristiansund, June 2008

A few days ago, The Landscapist asked:
What about you? How/ what do you feel about your relationship with the pictures you create?
I thought this idea was worth a post. For me in this respect, photos are a time machine. Transporting me to other times, recreating memories & feelings. I can specifically recall weather or location or the people I was with, depending on the circumstance of the image. My pictures can help me remember what I was thinking, recall a frame of mind, set me back in a frame of mind where I was thinking about something in the future.

By recollecting where I was, I can see clearer the path between there and here, see more clearly the route forward.

Of course, I can also appreciate the image for what it is and its subject but so often it is much more than that. In that manner, music can have the same effect on me.

1 comment:

  1. For me, certainly the things in your first paragraph. But mostly they represent milestones, and not always photographic ones. Sometimes I can see where I hopped off the photographic path I was on for a little while, and then back on it. Other times I can see a subtle shift of emphasis over time. But mostly they are a reminder that the value is in the journey, not in the stopping points.


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