Thursday, 29 March 2007

A good time to start...

How do you do, Belgrade, March 2007

So, as I'm another year older, it seems as good a time as any to get to the blog.
Have been reading Paul Butzi's blog recently on the debate over Large format photgraphy versus smaller formats and the time it takes. The general point being that for photography to be contemplative (taking time to cosider the scene and the composition) doesn't mean it has to be slow (time to set up and actually take the picture). I'm very much glad he's voiced the opinion that LF doesn't have to be slow, as i've just ordered my first LF camera today. I'd hate to think that I have to take 15-20mins to set up and focus the camra every time. Now all I have to do is practice with it.

Photo is one of the street scenes i took in Belgrade a couple of weeks ago, whilst on an interlude from a business trip in Serbia. I was experimenting with a new technique for stret photography. I set the camera up manual focus, f/8, wide angle (21mm) and carry it by my side. Holding it portrait format, the hand-grip lets it naturally balance pointing slightly up. Turned out to be very effectiv, this was one of several successful shots and quite a good keeper rate, too. It's faster taking photos this was than any other way I know and very discrete.